
An abstract animation with music, presented in anaglyph 3D.

‘Microfiche’ is an abstract 3D animation with music, presented in anaglyph stereo. It was created using the DIPS image processing system for Max/MSP in Max For Live and Ableton Live. The creation of the work required the writing of a custom extension to allow Ableton Live (primarily a music sequencer) to sequence animation. This allowed the animated elements to be composed at the same time as the music, rather than disparately, producing a work which is unified in its use of sound and video. In it’s original incarnation, the video was accompanied by strobe lighting effects and 5-channel sound. For later performances these elements are removed unless easy to implement in a new venue. Microfiche was presented at Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Arts at the University Of Minnesota in October of 2010.

Project Detail

  • Digital video
  • 4 minutes 58 seconds
  • Resolution: 1024 x 768
  • Requires anaglyph viewing glasses


  • Max/MSP (Max For Live)
  • Ableton Live
  • DIPS


‘Microfiche’ is an abstract 3D animation with music, presented in anaglyph stereo. It was created using the DIPS image processing system for Max/MSP in Max For Live and Ableton Live. The creation of the work required the writing of a custom extension to allow Ableton Live (primarily a music sequencer) to sequence animation. This allowed the animated elements to be composed at the same time as the music, rather than disparately, producing a work which is unified in its use of sound and video. In it’s original incarnation, the video was accompanied by strobe lighting effects and 5-channel sound. For later performances these elements are removed unless easy to implement in a new venue. Microfiche was presented at Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Arts at the University Of Minnesota in October of 2010. For more information see theimpersonalstereo.com.